Breathwork Coaching

Change your life one breath at a time.

Private online breathwork coaching. 6-week and 12-week programs.

Increase your vitality through the power of your breath.

I provide private online coaching sessions in conscious breathing techniques to help you improve your health and well-being and feel more joyful.

This is a great program for COVID-19 “Long-Haulers” to help you gently expand breathing capacity, strengthen your lungs, and boost your immune system.

Breathing in is pleasurable. Most of the time, we breathe without even thinking about it. And most of the time, we use very little of our lung capacity.

When our breath is shallow, it makes us feel anxious and stressed out. It activates the sympathetic nervous system, which puts us into fight or flight mode and releases stress hormones into our system.

When we take full breaths, we bring more healing oxygen into our blood to nourish our vital organs and other tissues, and we strengthen our respiratory and immune systems.

With conscious breathing – breathing more slowly and fully – our nervous system shifts into the parasympathetic mode, or rest and digest. We stop releasing cortisol and adrenaline into our body and come back into a state of balance and calm.

The breath is the bridge between your mind and body. When you can change your breath, you can change your emotions.

We’re living in stressful, uncertain times. The one thing you can depend on is your breath. It’s always there for you.

Anytime you need to calm down and refocus, you can use mindful breathing to help you feel better.

Breathwork creates new neural pathways in the brain and rewires how we think and feel.

Practicing breathing techniques every day for 40 days has a transformative and evolutionary effect, helping you feel calmer and more confident.

Foster a clear and positive state of mind.

Find more meaning and purpose in your life.

Commit to a 6-week or 12-week online breathwork coaching program.

You don’t have to stay locked in the prison of your mind. Learn to:

Let go of your critical voice and connect with the voice of your soul.

Let go of the ego mind chatter and learn to trust. Resistance is futile.

Connect with yourself every day through your breath.

Put yourself in a state of relaxation and calm.

Conscious Breathing can assist you in releasing accumulated stress, bring clarity, and open your heart to your own knowingness deepening your understanding of yourself.

Conscious breathing is an active meditation that keeps you in the present moment, which is where life is.

Conscious breathing can help you quiet your monkey mind and connect with your inner wisdom and Divine self – your true self.

This is not a quick fix.

It takes time to uncover the layers of trauma and re-pattern stuck energies.

It takes time to trust your breath and yourself.

So, I ask you to commit today to at least 6 weeks of breathwork with me.

That’s 6 one-hour weekly sessions.

All sessions are bespoke – tailored specifically to your needs.

Here’s my offer to you:

An introductory 6 weekly online sessions for $450 (normally $480) or…

12 weekly online sessions (3 months) for $875 (normally $960).

Change your life one breath at a time.

Diana Osberg

Diana Osberg

Breathwork Coach

Diana Osberg is a breathwork, TCM energy, and meditation facilitator and is certified as a Yin and Restorative yoga and sound healing medicine practitioner with a focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, nervous system response, anatomy, and alignment. She was certified as a soundbath practitioner at the Soundbath Center in Los Angeles and studied Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) breathing at Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s The Art of Living Center in Los Angeles. Diana facilitates classes, events, workshops, and retreats and offers one-on-one coaching to help people recognize and release self-limiting stories, connect to their inner wisdom, and develop tools to deal with whatever life throws at them. She also offers private sessions for corporate groups.