Sound Therapy

“Sound therapy has been around since the beginning of recorded history—the oldest surviving scriptural texts tell us so—and science may finally be catching up with sound-healing practices used by ancient civilizations.” The History of Sound Healing, Massage Magazine

The power of sound to heal the human body, mind, emotions, and spirit has been known for millennia. Most ancient cultures have practiced sound healing, the first being the Aboriginal peoples of Australia over 40,000 years ago.

Evidence of the use of sound therapy can be found in the oldest surviving Biblical texts and in creation myths across cultures from the beginning of recorded history. Tibetans have used vibrational sound for healing for over 2000 years. Ancient Egyptians chanted sacred vowels and played musical instruments as part of their healing rituals, according to records that Demetrius kept about 200 B.C.

Until the 1930s, however, sound healing technology had been forgotten or shunned by the western world, which is now reawakening to the healing power of vibratory sound. Modern acoustic researchers have discovered that sound waves can positively impact our nervous system and decrease blood pressure more than any other form of meditation.

“Matching the frequencies of healthy resonance can provide stress relief. Adding sound therapy modalities is an easy, natural way to achieve this goal.” The History of Sound Healing, Massage Magazine

Sound therapy is known to create change on the cellular level to reduce stress, improve concentration, balance the emotions, treat insomnia, boost the immune system, quiet mind chatter, and promote a deep sense of peace, well-being, and better health.

Our bodies are made of vibratory energy of different frequencies that oscillate together. When these frequencies are out of synch, illness and disease can set in and affect our physical and emotional health.

You might think of your body as being like a computer. If you have too many tabs open, after a while, your system will get sluggish and stop working right. That’s where sound therapy comes in. It’s like clearing the cache in your computer and rebooting. It allows your system to reset and come back refreshed with more energy and clarity.

“Likewise, in the body, stress or injury pulls cells out of their coherent structure. If the stress is not handled properly, a complex web of disharmonies perpetuates—the whole orchestra is soon out of tune. An out-of-tune body begins to experience a variety of stress signals, including anxiety, insomnia, allergies, food sensitivities, or physical and emotional pain.” The History of Sound Healing, Massage Magazine

Since our bodies are made of 70% water and water is an excellent conductor of sound waves, sound travels easily through every tissue, including bone. Sound healing works by unblocking the flow of healing Prana, aligning our frequencies so they can vibrate together in harmony, moving us into a higher state of consciousness, and restoring balance to help us be our best selves.

Different vibratory sounds are used to harmonize the various aspects of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self to restore them to their natural frequencies. This immersion in sound frequency helps the body make shifts that allow for overall healing, to alleviate pain, release trauma and stress, repair chronic illness, and open the body, emotions, mind, and spirit to cleansing and transformation.

“It’s important for us to recognize that there is legitimate science behind these types of ancient practices. They can actually treat things like depression, anxiety, and so much more. But even more fascinating is that something as simple as music and sound has not only historically been used for healing but has been proven to work by scientific means.” Psychoacoustics: The Fascinating Science Behind Sound Healing